Legacy Foundation Chris-Town branch YMCA

5517 N 17th Ave

United States

Strategic Philanthropy is about creating efficiency of dollars and maximizing impact.  Strategic philanthropy means applying philanthropic resources in innovative ways. One key is partnering with others, forming networks and collaboratives for greater impact and success, and using new models for social change and social investment.  With Strategic philanthropy, donors no longer give and hope that things will be better.  Donors and recipients partner to create social change.


6:30 to 7:AM …. Registration, Networking, & Continental Breakfast 7 to 8:30 ………. Program

To Register at EventBrite, Click Here.


Joan Koerber-Walker leads by following a simple equation:
[Leadership + Innovation + Execution] x Partnerships = Growth.
As President and CEO of AZBio, www.AZBio.org, she works on behalf of the Arizona Bioscience Community to support the growth of the industry, its members and our state on the local and national level. 2012 marks the 10th year of Arizona’s Bioscience Road Map and one of the largest focused strategic philanthropic undertakings in Arizona’s history.  Joan also serves as chairman of OTEF, the Opportunity Through Entrepreneurship Foundation, a grass roots charitable foundation dedicated to helping at risk populations achieve economic self-sufficiency as entrepreneurs.

April Lewallen began her career with the YMCA of Southern Arizona at the Jacob’s City YMCA and the Lohse Family YMCA.  During her time in Tucson she had the opportunity to have international YMCA experience in the Philippines.  April has been with the Valley of the Sun YMCA Association as Executive Director of the Legacy Foundation Chris-Town branch YMCA, www.valleyYMCA.org, for over eight years. She recently completed a $2.9 million capital campaign to expand areas for children, teens and families that included a new gymnasium.  With community collaborations and April’s vision, this project included constructing and equipping the first medical and dental clinics within the YMCA.



About 85 Broads Phoenix

85 Broads Phoenix is the local chapter of 85 Broads, a 30,000 member global women’s network whose mission is to generate exceptional professional and social value for its members. Through our network events and website, members invest their time, their intellect, and their financial capital in each other’s ideas and businesses.

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