Date(s) - 29 Apr 2020
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM
Vaccines—our best long-term defense
Wednesday, April 29th at 12 pm EST (9 AM AZ)
Rob Boulanger and Marc Pelletier
Not a treatment but a cure. The 1918 influenza (Spanish Flu) pandemic was the most severe pandemic in recent history, where 1/3 of the human race was affected by this avian H1N1 flu virus and roughly 15-20% of those infected died. If not for improvements in health and science, the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic would likely have affected far more individuals and the lethality rate would certainly have been much higher. Influenza viruses still claim the lives of over 50,000 Americans every year. This number could be reduced dramatically if everyone received their influenza vaccines every year. Vaccination, when possible, provides the best long-term defense against viral and bacterial infections and subsequently a pandemic, by preparing our body’s own infection defense system.
The types of vaccines, the methods of manufacture and the safety profiles have improved dramatically since Edward Jenner first injected 8 year old James Phillips in 1796. The time between the identification of the pathogen and the manufacture of potential vaccine candidate has been reduced from years to weeks. Multiple platforms exist within our biopharmaceutical companies providing several potential candidates for a commercial product. Many of the cell culture based biopharmaceutical manufacturing facilities in existence today lend themselves well to vaccine manufacturing, providing a huge potential for large scale manufacturing in response to a pandemic. Rob Boulanger will provide a case study example of how equipment used in a typical mAb facility could be used for large scale manufacturing of a SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine.
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