Date(s) - 6 May 2020
10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
Developing new tools in the pandemic response toolbox
Wednesday, May 6th at 1 pm EST (10 AM AZ)
Jake Adams
The ideal pandemic response must include a pharmaceutical approach, both vaccines to prevent new infections and treatments to address those infected. The ideal vaccine and treatment is rapidly developed and deployed, adaptable to the specific pandemic, safe, and stable.
This presentation will discuss how new siRNA and mRNA modalities could be deployed as treatments and as vaccines respectively, and the potential advantages they could offer to traditional approaches. The ongoing efforts to develop these therapies for COVID-19 will be discussed as well as the presently existing hurdles. If COVID-19 has come too early for these platforms to reach their infectious disease fighting potential, then it should serve as the start of the development process, not the end.