Back to the Workplace: Key Pandemic Insights from Employers

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Date(s) - 29 Apr 2021
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM


The COVID-19 pandemic has strained businesses of all sizes across all industries, and bringing employees back to their workplaces presents unparalleled challenges for employers.

Arizona State University, with the support of The Rockefeller Foundation and the World Economic Forum, recently conducted a survey to learn what issues employers are facing as they bring employees back to their workplaces. The survey collected information on employee well-being; testing, contact tracing and vaccination; the future of work; and financial impacts brought on by the pandemic.

We will discuss our latest survey results, as well as provide additional insights from industry experts with the National Safety Council, the Society for Human Resource Management, and Envoy. Join the webinar to gain knowledge and ask questions of our panelists.


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