Application opens for Flinn Foundation program offering $30K to bioscience startups

The Flinn Foundation’s Bioscience Entrepreneurship Program has opened its 2020 application for Arizona early-stage bioscience firms seeking funding, professional support, and networking opportunities to grow their business.

The program provides $30,000 in non-dilutive funding support for up to six firms each year, administered through a nonprofit partner, and a professionally developed, yearlong plan specific to the needs of the individual firms.Continue reading

Regenesis Biomedical, Inc. named Arizona Bioscience Company of the Year

CHANDLER, Ariz — (BUSINESS WIRE) — The Arizona Bioindustry Association (AZBio) today announced that Regenesis Biomedical, Inc.  has been named the Arizona Bioscience  Company of the Year and will be honored on October 2, 2019, at the AZBio Awards.

“Pain is real. If it is your pain, relief can be life changing,” stated Joan Koerber-Walker, president & CEO of AZBio.  “Regenesis Biomedical discovered an underutilized therapy and developed a unique platform that is delivering a solution to help patients manage their pain with a safe, easy to use, non-drug medical device.”Continue reading

Aural Analytics, Inc. Receives $4.3 Million in Series Seed Round & National Science Foundation Grant Funding to Advance Development of Proprietary Speech Analytics Platform

  • Series seed round led by Morningside Ventures and Tamarisc Ventures with participation from established Silicon Valley investor Jamie Gates of TPG, among others
  • National Science Foundation provides ongoing support with Small Business Innovation Research phase II grant  

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Noted cardiothoracic surgeon joining the All of Us Research Program leadership team in Arizona

Dr. Irving Kron named contact principal investigator for Arizona program

The University of Arizona-Banner Health All of Us Research Program, in partnership with Mariposa Community Health Center, has enrolled more than 32,800 participants to date from across a two-state region of Arizona and Colorado, with more than 82% of volunteers from communities historically underrepresented in biomedical research, representing diversity in race/ethnicity, age, sexual and gender minorities and socioeconomic status.

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ASU Ranked #1 for Innovation for the 5th Year Running – #High5AZ

For the fifth year in a row, Arizona State University has been named the most innovative school in America.

U.S. News and World Report has named ASU as the most innovative university all five years the category has existed. The widely publicized annual rankings by the magazine, comparing more than 1,500 institutions on a variety of metrics, were released today.Continue reading

Biosensing Instrument to be honored with an AZBio Fast Lane Award

CHANDLER, Ariz — (BUSINESS WIRE) — The Arizona Bioindustry Association (AZBio) today announced that Biosensing Instrument has been named an AZBio Fast Lane Company and will be honored on October 2, 2019 at the AZBio Awards.

“Developing a new drug is one of the most expensive and complex innovation challenges,” stated Joan Koerber-Walker, president & CEO of AZBio.  “Biosensing Instrument, Inc. (BI), a Tempe based life science company, is transforming early drug discovery research at pharmaceuticals and academic laboratories around the world by enabling measurements that were not possible before.”Continue reading