Arizona bioscience growth continues, sets record highs

PHOENIX–Arizona’s bioscience sector has continued its sustained advancement over the past two years and established record highs for several performance metrics, at growth rates often outpacing the nation, according to the latest data analysis commissioned by the Flinn Foundation.

Arizona reached record highs in National Institutes of Health funding, bioscience jobs and wages, university research and development, and certain measures of university technology-transfer, as well as an increase in venture capital funding.

Since the launch of Arizona’s Bioscience Roadmap in 2002, performance metrics have been tracked and shared publicly by a third-party consultant. The latest analysis by TEConomy Partners released April 22 is the first since 2022.

“Arizona’s bioscience community—researchers, entrepreneurs, investors, educators, hospitals, companies, and more—has accomplished so much since the beginning of the Roadmap,” said Tammy McLeod, Ph.D., Flinn Foundation president and CEO. “The upward trajectory of metrics like new bioscience jobs and university research shows the power of collaboration across the community. And it illustrates why the Flinn Foundation is intent on renewing the Roadmap, our state’s strategic plan to enhance health outcomes and economic prospects.”Continue reading

Arizona’s Life Science Sector is Rising Up

Arizona’s life science community gathered at Langham Logistics in Phoenix on April 18, 2024.  Attendees toured this state-of- the-art facility that serves the needs of the West Coast’s GMP and pharmaceutical industries, made connections, and learned how they can get engaged in accelerating the growth of Arizona’s life science sector.Continue reading

Barrow Neurological selected as the inaugural site for the Neuralink PRIME Study

The first participant in Neuralink’s PRIME Study recently demonstrated the ability to use brain activity to command an external device. The successful procedure for Neuralink’s N1 Implant was performed earlier this year at Barrow Neurological Institute, located in Phoenix, Arizona. Neuralink calls this early, encouraging step a significant milestone for its wireless brain-computer interface (BCI) and, importantly, for adults with quadriplegia due to ALS or spinal cord injury.Continue reading

The University of Arizona Incubator Network Collaborates with Oro Valley to Sponsor Startup Success   

TUCSON, Ariz. — The University of Arizona Center for Innovation (UACI), which serves as the science and technology startup incubator network of Tech Parks Arizona, is pleased to announce the open call for the UACI Sponsored Launch Fueled by the Oro Valley Chamber of Commerce and Town of Oro Valley competition. The winning startup will receive sponsored entry into UACI at Oro Valley, the prestigious bioscience-focused incubator, along with resources , specialized facilities, services and expert guidance to grow their business. Continue reading