21st Century Cures Progresses

21st Century Cures passes unanimously out of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

“AZBio congratulates Members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee and all of the representatives of industry, patients, and our key federal agency partners on a truly collaborative effort to progress H.R. 6 – The 21st Century Cures Act.”  Joan Koerber-Walker, President & CEO, Arizona Bioindustry Association (AZBio) and Chair, AdvaMed State Medical Technology Alliance Continue reading

5 Keys To Revitalizing The Medtech Innovation Ecosystem

America’s medical technology industry creates life-saving and life-enhancing treatments and cures that drive efficiencies and cost savings in the health care system, improve the quality of patient care, and generate high-quality jobs that contribute to economic growth. But today, the innovation ecosystem that supports medical technology development is severely stressed. The U.S. has historically been the world leader in medical technology, but our leadership is eroding. To respond to these challenges, AdvaMed has proposed a new Innovation Agenda.

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