Ready Set Launch Trains HS Student Entrepreneurs at CEI

Ready Set Launch, June 17-21

Ready Set Launch!

The Center for Entrepreneurial Innovation is excited to host “Ready Set Launch!” June 17-21, a week-long entrepreneurial experience for high school sophomores, juniors and seniors.
Goals of the Event
Gain understanding of entrepreneurship as a viable career option and learn about resources in their community
Generate business ideas to create an atmosphere of fun
Meet and learn from successful entrepreneurs
Learn to work and cooperate in groups
Develop critical thinking and life skills
Develop leadership abilities and skills
Identify and evaluate entrepreneurial opportunities in Northern Arizona
What Students Will Gain
Make new friends
Opportunity to win awards for Best Business Plan and Presentation
Experiential/hands on learning
Learn about starting and running a business
June 17 through June 21, 2013
8:30am to 5:00pm (Mon-Thurs)
9:00am to 1:00pm (Fri)
How to Apply
Please download the application and reference form here and return by June 6th, 2013 to:
The Center for Entrepreneurial Innovation
275 N. GateWay Drive
Phoenix, Arizona 85034
Attn: Greg Bullock
– – OR – –
*Participation will be limited to 25 students, and all applicants will be notified by June 11, 2013.
Ready Set Launch!, June 17-21

Opportunity Alert: BioAccel Solutions Challenge Announced

BioAccel will identify up to 5 health care needs based on input from health care professionals, industry and the consumer. Up to 3 will be in the medical device space and up to 2 will be in the medical diagnostics space.  Winners will have a chance to receive a minimum of $50,000 of proof-of-concept funds from BioAccel if they can obtain a matching $50,000 from investors.Continue reading