Presented by the Arizona Commerce Authority and the City of Phoenix
Arizona Bioscience Week Student Discovery Zone
Since it began in 2011, the Student Discovery Zone at the AZBio Awards has showcased over 1,500 research posters created by Arizona students.
Students, submit your poster and a 2-minute YouTube Video explaining your research process and findings to be considered by the judges by September 8, 2025. Students with accepted posters/videos will be invited to attend the AZBio Awards and display their posters as guests of AZBio. In the case of High School Students, one additional ticket will be provided for a teacher or parent upon request. Students will need to arrive to set up their poster by 3:30 PM on October 15, 2025. The AZBio Awards will end at 7:00 PM.
Student Discovery Zone Challenge Scholarship Prizes:
High School Students:
- Technical Merit: First Place ($1,000), Second Place ($500), Third Place ($250)
University Students:
- Technical Merit: First Place ($1,000), Second Place ($500), Third Place ($250)
Need Ideas? View the 2022 Student Discovery Zone Video Submissions
Please see below for Student Discovery Zone Challenge Scholarship Rules.
The 2025 Student Discovery Zone Scholarship Competition
- Full-time Students attending an Arizona High School or University are eligible to participate. 2023/2024 graduates who are continuing their education in Arizona or at another university in the United States are also welcome.
- Projects must have a biotechnology and/or medical technology application.
- In the case of Students under the age of 18, a parent or guardian must email AdvancingBio@AZBio.org confirming that the student is authorized to participates AND that both the parent and the student agree to these Rules and Guidelines.
- To qualify for the scholarship competition, students must complete the Student Discovery Zone Application AND submit a link to a 2-minute video by Sept. 8, 2025 explaining their research and findings. Videos will be cross-posted on YouTube.com/AZBio1 and AZBio.org for viewing by judges and the community.
- Awards for Technical Merit will be announced at the AZBio Awards.
- IRS Reporting Notice: In accordance with IRS guidelines, a W-9 form will be required of 1st prize winners and a 1099 will be issued for tax purposes.
The Student Discovery Zone Challenge Competition has adopted the Regeneron ISEF ethics statement which is stated below to which each student must adhere. Students found in non-compliance with these principles will be automatically disqualified.
“Scientific fraud and misconduct are not condoned at any level of research or competition. Such practices include plagiarism, forgery, use or presentation of other researcher’s work as one’s own and fabrication of data. Fraudulent projects will fail to qualify for competition. https://www.societyforscience.org/isef/international-rules/rules-for-all-projects/#Ethics
How the Student Discovery Zone Challenge Competition Works
- Students must apply to participate no later than September 6, 2024 using the application button above. 2 minute videos should be loaded by the student to YouTube and a link to the video may be added at the time of application OR emailed to AZBio on or before September 6, 2023.
- Project Guidelines:
- A project is deemed relevant if its content relates to the various applications of biotechnology such as health care, agriculture and forestry, food processing, mining and the environment, and forensics; and it applies the knowledge and techniques of the current courses at school and/or other scientific studies such as biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology, microbiology and biotechnology.
- The project must include scientific experiments that recognize and control all significant variables and demonstrate excellent collection, analysis and presentation of data.
- The project should not involve the use of any dangerous chemicals or biohazardous materials, except under the direct supervision of qualified personnel with appropriate permission and consent forms completed and on file with the student's educational institution.
- In the case of a tie within the High School and/or University categories, prizes will be allocated proportionally.
Consent to Photography
By participating in the AZBio Student Discovery Zone, you agree to grant the Arizona Bioindustry Association, its sponsors and partners (together "AZBio") with permission to use your likeness in a photograph, video, or other digital media (“photo”) in any and all of its publications, including web-based publications, without payment or other consideration. You further agree that all photos will become the property of AZBio.
Have a question? Email AdvancingBio@AZBio.org or call (480) 779-8101 for assistance.
AZBio Supporters
They support us so that we can support you.