Join us April 21, 2016 at the Arizona Grand Resort & Spa as we focus on how the convergence of information technology and the life sciences are driving innovations in health and healthcare delivery.
Learn the latest updates from Arizona Information Technology and Life Science Leaders as they share their expertise and a passion for making LIFE better.
Connect with talented intern and job candidates at AZBio Expo 2016!
AZBio Expo 2016 - Convergence
Presented in partnership with AzHIMSS
- Showcase Your Products and Services…
- Share your Expertise…
- Find Partners and Resources.
- Connect to TALENT
Date: April 21, 2016

Register Today! Early Bird Discounts End 3/15/2016. AzHIMSS and AZBio Members benefit with discounted member rates.
Time: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Arizona Grand Resort & Spa 8000 Arizona Grand Pkwy, Phoenix, AZ 85044

Arizona's got Life Science Talent and our Employers have internships and jobs.
Get connected at the AZBio Expo!
Opportunities for Employers:
Showcase your products and services and Connect to Talent!
8 ×10 Exhibit Booth and 2 tickets
AZBio & AzHIMSS Members($1200) Non Members($1,500)
8 ×10 Exhibit Booth, 2 tickets, and Half Page Ad
AZBio & AzHIMSS Members ($2,000), Guests ($2,500)
8 ×10 Exhibit Booth, 2 tickets, and Full Page Ad
AZBio & AzHIMSS Members ($2,500), Guests ($3,000)
All exhibitors also get the opportunity to post internship and career opportunities on the D3Bio Job Board for FREE!
(Ad packages must be reserved before March 15th due to print deadlines.)
Opportunities for Interns:
- Showcase your talent by being a poster presenter
- Get the latest real world updates
- Connect with Industry at the Expo
Opportunities for Job Seekers:
- You've got talent
- We've got jobs
- Register for a full day or half day session or bring your resumes and join us from 4 - 6 PM

Early Bird Rates – End March 15, 2016
AZBio & AzHIMSS Members ($150) Guests ($250), Full Time Students ($75)
Regular Rate – After March 15, 2016
AZBio Members ($225), Guests ($325), Full Time Students ($100)
NEW! Half Day Rate
Can't make it for the full day? Join us from 2 PM- 6 PM for the closing general session and cocktail reception
AZBio & AzHIMSS Members ($75), Guests ($100),
Student Discovery Posters:
Student Posters: Complimentary Admission and Display
(50 Poster Presenters will be selected from applications by the review committee – Contributor must be a full time student of an Arizona High School, Community College or University)
NEW! Internship and Job Seekers get a free pass from 4 PM - 6 PM
Can't make the conference? Bring 10 copies of your resume to the Expo floor at 4 PM and gain access to the last 2 hours of the Internship and Job fair for FREE.

Additional Sponsors and Exhibitors
Silver Sponsors:
DB Wilson LLC
AzHIMSS Elite Sponsors
AirGas, Arivis, ASU Dept.of Bioinformatics, AZBio, AzHIMSS, BIO, Biodesign Institute at ASU, Cord Blood Registry, Cox Business, DCA (Direct Consulting Associates), Dimension Data, Fortinet, Global Cancer Diagnostics, Knobbe Martens, Konica Minolta Business Solutions, New AngleMedia, Northern Arizona University, Pinnacle Transplant Technologies, SynCardia Systems, Inc., Trans-West, Ulthera, University of Arizona, VWR