Want to take center stage on March 29, 2017 at the AZBio Expo?
Share your story in a 6 Minute Rapid Fire!
Eight AZBio Core Members will have the opportunity to present how they are helping to shape the changing face of healthcare.
Share a success story
Put your innovation in the spotlight
Update us on your Clinical Trial
Demonstrate how you and your team are making life better.
Applications are open until January 31st.
How to apply:
When you click the Apply To Present button, it will open an email.
In your email, please provide:
Name and Company
Email and Phone Number
Presentation Title
Name of Presenter
A short paragraph detailing what you have to share
Rapid Fire Presenter Guidelines:
Presenters will be selected from AZBio Core Member Companies. Click here to check the AZBio Member Directory
Company Membership in good standing. (i.e. your membership dues are not past due.)
Presenter agrees that the presentation may be played-back on AZBio.org, AZBio.TV, and/or YouTube.com/AZBio1
Accepted Presenters will be selected by the event committee and all applicants will be notified by February 15, 2017.
Benefits to Presenters:
One complimentary registration
Inclusion in the AZBio Expo press release on the Business Wire
Listing and link on AZBioExpo.com
Video playback of your presentation on AZBio.TV and YouTube/AZBio1
Copy of your video available upon request.
Have more questions?
Contact Our Member Support Team
email: advancingbio@AZBio.org
phone: 480-779-8101

Stay Tuned...More Coming Soon!