AZBio Legislative Watch List for 2025
The Second Regular Session, 56th Legislature, 2024, adjourned Sine Die on June 16, 2024
This page will be updated with bills from the First Regular Session of the 57th Legislature once bills are introduced.
As Arizona’s Statewide Bioscience Industry Association, AZBio works with our elected leaders to educate and inform on the key issues that will help to make Arizona a Top-Ten Bioscience State and works across our community to support our members, our industry, our healthcare partners, and patient advocacy organizations.
Each year, AZBio publishes its Policy Initiatives as approved by the AZBio Board of Directors.
Click here to view the AZBio Government Affairs Policy Guide for 2025.
AZBio is supported at the State Capitol by our contract lobbyists at Dorn Policy Group.
Legislative Deadlines: First Regular Session, 57th Legislature, 2025
Dates are estimates until the official schedule is published.
First Day of Session is January 13, 2025
January 2025
- Monday 1/13 Deadline for pre-files is 12:00 PM
- Thursday 1/16 Last day for sponsorship of bills before the seven-bill limit begins (5:00 PM)
- Monday 1/13 Senate Bill Request Deadline (5:00 p.m.)
- Tuesday 1/21* Senate Bill Intro Set Preparation Deadline (5:00 p.m.)
- Monday 2/3 Senate Bill Introduction Deadline (5:00 p.m.)
- Friday 2/7 House Bill Request Deadline (5:00 p.m.)
- Monday 2/10 House Bill Introduction Deadline (5:00 p.m.)
- Friday 2/21 Last Day to Hear SBs in Senate Committees / Last Day to Hear HBs in House Committees
MARCH 2025
- Friday 3/28 Last day for House consideration of Senate bills; Last day for Senate consideration of House bills
APRIL 2025
- Friday, 4/18 Last day for consideration of bills in Conference Committees
- Tuesday, 4/22 100th day of session
- Saturday, April 26, 2025 – Sine Die
- Appropriations bills have an additional 2 weeks.
Adjournment sine die on Saturday, April 26, 2025– regular sessions shall be adjourned sine die no later than the Saturday of the week in which the 100th day of session falls. (The Speaker and the President may extend the session for a period not to exceed seven additional days. Thereafter, the session can be extended only by a majority vote of the Members.
* 1/20/25 Martin Luther King, Jr./Civil Rights Day
Tracked Bills in the First Regular Session, 57th Legislature, 2025
The list below highlights bills that pertain to our areas of focus. As these bills progress, our positions to support, monitor, or oppose will be added. All AZBio Members have the option to add bills to the Watch List. To do so, email AZBio.
Transmitted to the Governor
NOTE: Bills with hearing information in red will not progress if they are not heard and passed in the Appropriations Committee by 2/24
House Bills
HCR2015 | federal funds; legislative approval(NOW: referendum; noncustodial federal monies; appropriation) |
H-APPROPS DPA/SE; H-Rules Transmitted to Senate
HB2001 | behavioral health; temporary licensure; graduates |
H-HHS DP ; H-Rules C&P; COW DPA; Transmitted to the Senate 2/17
S-HHS; S-Rules
HB2012 | emergency use products; employers; prohibition |
H-HHS DP ; H-Rules C&P; Transmitted to the Senate
S-HHS DP; S Rules 3/17 1 PM
AZBio is Opposed. This limits an employer’s option to protect their workforce and critical operations during a health emergency.
HB2063 | parental notification; school immunization exemptions |
H-ED DP ; H-RULES C&P; Transmitted to House
S-ED; S-Rules
HB2109 | forced organ harvesting; insurance; prohibition |
H-HHS DP : H-RULES C&P; Transmitted to Senate 2/20
S-HHS; S-Rules
HB2125 | insurance coverage; hearing aids; children |
H-HHS DP ; H-Rules C&P; Transmitted to House 2/27
AZBio Supports
HB2126 | medical records; parental rights |
H-HHS DP ; H-Rules C&P; Transmitted to Senate 2/25
S-HHS DP; S-Rules 3/17 1 PM
HB2127 | hazardous substance release; notice; liability |
H-NREW DPA; H-RULES C&P; Transmitted to Senate 2/27
S-NR; S-Rules
HB2184 | appropriations; health innovation trust fund |
ST W/D; H-APPROP DPA; H-Rules C&P; Transmitted to Senate 2/27
AZBio Supports
HB2257 | DCS; vaccinations; child placement |
H-GOV DPA; H-Rules C&P; Transmitted to the Senate
S-HHS ; S Rules
HB2291 | opioids; containers; labeling; requirements; repeal |
H-HHS 2/3 DP ; H-Rules C&P; Transmitted to Senate 2/20
S-HHS DP; S-Rules 3/17 1 PM
HB2320 | appropriation; veterans’ services; mental health |
H-FMAE DP ; H-APPROPS DP; H-Rules C&P Transmitted to Senate 2/27
HB2332 | postpartum depression; treatment; insurers
H-APPROPS DPA; H-Rules C&P; Transmitted to Senate 3/3
S-HHS DPA; S Rules 3/17 1 PM
HB2380 | rare disease advisory council |
H-HHS DP ; H-GOV DP; H-Rules; Transmitted to Senate 2/26
S-HHS DPA; S Rules 3/17 1 PM
HB2404 | commerce authority; board of directors |
H-IT DP ; H-Rules C&P; Transmitted to Senate 2/19
HB2405 | topical medications |
H-HHS DP ; H-Rules C&P; Transmitted to Senate 2/20
S-HHS DP; S-Rules 3/17 1 PM
HB2627 | pharmacies; emergency authority |
H-HHS DPA; H-Rules C&P; Transmitted to Senate 3/4
HB2628 | pharmacists; emergency medication; administration |
H-HHS DP ; H-Rules; Transmitted to Senate 2/20
S-HHS DP; S-Rules 3/17 1 PM
HB2677 | middle school students; CTE courses |
H-ED DP ; H-Rules C&P; Transmitted to Senate 3/3
AZBio Supports
HB2722 | public resources; expenditures; prohibition |
H-WM DP; H-Rules C&P; Transmitted to Senate 2/26
S-Gov ; Rules
HB2871 | appropriation; ibogaine; clinical research study |
H-APPROP DPA; H-Rules C&P; Transmitted to the Senate 3/3
Senate Bills
SCR1009 | revenue increases; administrative fee authorization |
S-Fin DP; S-Rules PFC; Transmitted to the House 2/26
H-WM; H-Rules
SCR1015 | state land trust; permanent funds. |
Note: Puts an extension, with changes, to Prop. 123 Education Funding on the 2024 Ballot
SB1031 | cosmetics sales; animal testing; prohibitions |
S-NR DP; S-Rules PFC; Floor 3/17
SB1054 | assisted living; hyperbaric oxygen therapy |
S-HHS DP ; S-RULES PFC; Transmitted to House 3/3
H-HHS; H-Rules
SB1076 | newborn screening; Duchenne muscular dystrophy |
S-HHS DP ; S-APPROP DP ; S-RULES PFC; Transmitted to House 2/12
AZBio Supports
SB1083 | appropriation; university of Arizona; agriculture |
S-NR DP ; S-APPROP DP; S-RULES PFC; Transmitted to House 3/3
AZBio Supports
SB1100 | Maricopa county; division; new counties |
SB1101 | Maricopa county; new counties; division |
SB1102 | pharmacy benefits; prescribing; exemption |
S-HHS DPA ; S-RULES PFC; PASSED – Transmitted to House 2/11
H-HHS DP; H-Rules DP; Rules C&P; FLOOR
AZBio Supports
SB1210 | appropriation; dementia awareness |
S-APPROP DP ; S-Rules PFC; Transmitted to House 2/27
H-HHS 3/17 2 PM; H-APPROPS; H-Rules
SB1214 | pharmacists; independent testing; treatment |
S-RAGE DPA; S-Rules PFC; Floor amendment; Transmitted to House 3/3
H-HHS 3/17 2 PM; H-Rules
SB1230 | marijuana; clinical research trials |
S-HHS DP; S-APPROP DP; S-Rules PFC; Floor Amendment; Transmitted to House 3/5
SB1247 | Arizona teachers academy; community colleges |
S-ED DP; S-Rules PFC; Transmitted to House 2/27
H-ED; H-Rules
SB1272 | vapor products; regulation; directory |
S-PS DPA ; S-Rules PFC; Floor
SB1344 | newborn screening program |
S-HHS DP; S-Rules PFC; Floor Amendment; Transmitted to House 3/5
H-HHS 3/17 2 PM; H-Rules
AZBio Supports with Amendment to match FDA Class II and Class III designations
SB1377 | authorized recipients; donated medicine; information |
S-HHS DPA; S-Rules PFC; Transmitted to House 3/4
H-HHS; H-Rules
SB1460 | appropriation; midomafetamine; research |
S-HHS DP ; S-APPROP DP; S-Rules C&P; Transmitted to House 3/13
SB1539 | TPT; exemption; clean rooms |
AZBio Supports
SB1555 | psilocybin services; regulation; licensure |
S-HHS DPA ; S-Rules PFC; Transmitted to House 3/4
H-HHS; H-Rules
SB1623 | appropriations; graduate medical education program |
S-HHS DP; S- APPROP DP; S-Rules PFC; Transmitted to House
AZBio Supports
SB1626 | health insurance; surprise billing; disputes |
S-HHS DP; S-Rules PFC; Transmitted to House
H-HHS DP; H-Rules
SB1722 | civil liability; fraudulent scientific research |
S-JUDE DP; S-Rules 3/10 1 PM
AZBio is Opposed. As written, this would negatively impact the ability to attract funding for health research to our state.
Bills that did not progress
HCR2012 | income tax; rate; reduction |
HCR2026 | legislative sessions; subjects; even-numbered years |
HB2055 | immunizations; requirements; exemption |
HB2058 | school immunizations; exemption; adult students |
HB2187 | ABOR; university presidents; compensation |
HB2199 | prescription drugs; advertising; requirements |
HB2283 | emergencies; price regulations; unlawful practices |
HB2292 | cancer screening; coverage; gene mutation |
HB2348 | behavioral health services; insurance coverage |
HB2383 | appropriations; applied research centers; technology |
HB2429 | pharmacy benefits; pharmacy management networks |
HB2452 | appropriation; AHCCCS; provider increases |
HB2460 | eligibility; children’s health insurance program |
HB2461 | coverage; family and medical leave |
HB2463 | telemedicine; abortion prohibition; repeal |
HB2467 | campaign finance; corporate contributions; registration |
HB2533 | workers’ rights; public health emergency |
HB2561 | insurance; cost sharing; breast examinations |
HB2589 | employers; contracts; noncompete clause; prohibition |
HB2674 | preauthorization prohibition; addiction medications |
HB2707 | vaccination status; unprofessional conduct; policies |
SB1008 | eyeglasses; prescriptions |
SB1140 | telehealth program; homeless; recovery services |
SB1276 | children’s health insurance program; eligibility |
SB1453 | university presidents; ABOR; maximum compensation |
SB1631 | pilot program; STEM teachers; districts |