B-2 Technology helps the brain deeply relax and rebalance itself for relief from stress, refreshing sleep, and increased performance.
Brain State Technologies (Scottsdale, Arizona) was founded in 2004, and in 2011 the company entered into an academic-industry research collaboration with Professor Charles Tegeler, of the Department of Neurology at Wake Forest

Brain State Technologies has nearly completed engineering of a second generation version of their device that will be intended to support an advanced state of relaxation, for enhanced sleep and performance. This device will be known as the Braintellect-2, and it will be produced and delivered to selected populations in 2016.
BRAINtellect® 2 has evolved over 15 years from a large body of core technology proven to do just that. In reality, there is no other hardware/software technology as advanced as what has been developed and patented by Brain State Technologies® (BST) for the benefit of balancing the brain.
“Since 2004, when we first began accumulating anonymous brainwave data, over 100,000+ people have been helped through our patented process called Brainwave Optimization®, shared Brain State Technolgies founder Lee Gerdes. “Brain State Technologies supports an international network of providers with over 180 locations in 20 countries. Today, the BST brain wave repository is over 32 terabytes – the largest set of brain data in the world. Our technology’s effectiveness has been clinically proven in University-based studies and featured in many peer-reviewed and popular publications and media.”
BRAINtellect® and Brainwave Optimization® are registered trademarks of Brain State Technologies®, LLC. Unauthorized usage is in violation of various country’s trademark laws. The BRAINtellect® device is not intended to treat, cure, heal, or diagnose any disease, mental illness or symptom. The BRAINtellect® device is intended to facilitate relaxation and auto-calibration of neural oscillations.
Photos and video courtesy of Brain State Technologies®, LLC.