Kauffman Fellows and Venture Capitalists “Meet” to Discuss COVID-19 Impacts

Over 250 Kauffman Fellows and VCs from all continents held a two day Zoom Conference last week to examine the effect of COVID on investment practices.  The Kauffman Fellows Program is a network of over 500 VCs and entrepreneurs.  Our Dr. Patricia Beckmann, a Kauffman Fellow, participated in the brainstorming session to encourage sharing and best practices. Continue reading

Flinn Biopreneur Spotlight: Humabiologics

Humabiologics, a regenerative medicine startup company founded by scientists and tissue industry experts to address the gap between the gift of donated human tissues and researchers is a member of the 2020 Flinn Foundation Bioscience Entrepreneurship Program co-hort and now part of a statewide community of Flinn Biopreneurs.Continue reading

Pregnancy During the Coronavirus Outbreak: What You Need to Know

There is a lot of anxiety as the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread across the globe, especially for parents-to-be who are concerned about how the virus will impact their pregnancy. Jordan Perlow, MD, a clinical professor in the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix, discusses what pregnant women need to know about the virus. Continue reading

Prisma Health Collaborates with Ethicon Inc., part of the Johnson & Johnson Medical Devices Companies, to Manufacture and Distribute the VESper™ Ventilator Expansion Splitter Device that is Authorized for Emergency Use Only During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Due to the predicted dire ventilator shortage, Prisma Health received an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the device in response to the urgency for more ventilators as a result of the pandemic.

Using 3D printing manufacturing technology, Ethicon will manufacture and distribute the VESper Ventilator Expansion Splitter at no cost to healthcare providers in the United States under the EUA during the current COVID-19 pandemic. The initial distribution of the device will be limited to the United States as Prisma Health and Ethicon are developing strategies to navigate various regulatory pathways and fulfill orders worldwide.
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ASU receives $2M to boost coronavirus rapid research response

ASU’s Biodesign Institute will utilize Piper Trust support to increase its capacity for automated, rapid diagnostic testing to mitigate the viral spread and potential reoccurrence of COVID-19.

“Now is the time for those who can — individuals and public- and private-sector organizations — to step in quickly and support our nonprofits,” said Mary Jane Rynd, president and CEO of Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust. “They are serving on the frontlines and are essential to our economic vitality.”
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IMNA Solutions Provides TrialME, a Remote Patient Monitoring and Data Collection Platform to Support Drug Development and Keep Clinical Trials Open During COVID-19 Pandemic

Starting April 1st, 2020 through July 1st, 2020, IMNA is offering free access to the TrialME platform for all teams researching COVID-19 and other life debilitating diseases.

TrialME offers sites a seamless shift to a hybrid structure that follows the FDA’s new guidelines during COVID-19 pandemic; the platform monitors, engages, and communicates with patients from the comfort and safety of their home. Continue reading