Guest Post: Philips Healthcare’s Trick or Treat

If you have not been scared enough by Halloween, read this consent decree announcement made by the FDA on November 1 to Philips Healthcare concerning quality control issues with their automatic external defibrillator. Philips had “tricked” industry by consistently providing unsafe defibrillators so the FDA “treated” them to a cease and desist order through a mandate from a federal judge. Under this consent decree, Philips must cease manufacturing until corrective action is taken.Continue reading

UA Researcher Receives Grant To Study Genetic Risk Factors for Lipedemia

Is It Obesity or Lipedema? UA Researcher Receives Grant To Study Genetic Risk Factors: Yann Klimentidis, PhD, a genetic epidemiologist at the University of Arizona Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, has received funding to study the genetic risk factors for developing lipedema, a painful and body disfiguring condition affecting an estimated 11 percent of U.S. adult women.Continue reading