To Treat the Heart, Neurotechnology Aims to Balance the Brain

Brain State Technologies (Scottsdale, Arizona) has  announced that use of their allostatic neurotechnology was associated with positive effects for the cardiovascular system and reduction of inflammation, in individuals with diverse health conditions. The findings are being presented at the Council on Hypertension of the American Heart Association, meeting in Orlando, Florida from September 14-17.Continue reading


TUCSON, October 25, 2016 – The Critical Path Institute’s (C-Path) Critical Path to TB Drug Regimens (CPTR) initiative and the Global TB Programme of the World Health Organization (WHO) have partnered with researchers from the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), to develop leading-edge quantitative analyses of data from the TB-Platform for Aggregation of Clinical TB Studies (TB-PACTS)database. This collaboration, called TB-ReFLECT, will extract from these analyses key lessons from the TB-PACTS platform, and then package such lessons as tools for future TB trial design.Continue reading

Announcing the 2016 AZBio Trailblazers

The 2016 AZBio Honorees are: Senator Nancy Barto, Senator Bob Worsley, Senator Kimberly Yee, Speaker Pro Tem Bob Robson, Representative Kate Brophy McGee, Representative Heather Carter, Representative Regina Cobb, DDS, Representative Randall Friese, MD, Representative Jay Lawrence, Representative Eric Meyer, MD Continue reading

Watch the AZBio Award 2016 Keynote Videos

The 2016 AZBio Awards brought together over 500  leaders from across the state of Arizona and around the country.  The Honorable Douglas A. Ducey, Governor of the State of Arizona, opened the program followed by a keynote by Arizona Bioscience Pioneer Award Honoree Dr. George Poste.    Later in the evening, our AZBio Baby danced, a world renowned cellist performed, Joan had a few things to say, and the audience celebrated with our 2016 AZBio Award honorees.  (Click here to see the videos on our 2016 AZBio Awards Winners.)

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BIO 2017 Call for Speakers and Sessions

BIO will bring together the most innovative thinkers in biotechnology next June at BIO 2017 in San Diego. This is your chance to submit provocative, cutting-edge topics that affect the global biotechnology industry, including: healthcare, intellectual property, environmental issues, and business development. Do you have insights into the latest biotech breakthrough?Continue reading