The newly allowed patent expands the utility of the CHAMP technology beyond claims in previous JV patents for the treatment of diabetic dyslipidemia and vascular diseases.Continue reading
Category Archives: AZBio News
Parkinson’s UK and Critical Path Institute Launch the Critical Path for Parkinson’s (CPP) Consortium
Data from past Parkinson’s trials will be collected, standardized, and integrated, in order to inform new approaches to designing clinical trials focused on early-stage Parkinson’s.Continue reading
When going small is big news: ASU professor shrinking electron-laser technology
Scott Seckel, ASU News
Beacon Biomedical Inc. Wins NIH Grant to Make Colorectal Cancer Screening Easy, Accurate and Affordable
Grant Supports Beacon’s Efforts to Develop Point of Care Screening Tests To Help Reduce Colorectal Cancer Disparities In MinoritiesContinue reading
Elephants provide big clue in fight against cancer
Check out the Nanotechnology Startup Challenge in Cancer
The National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) Alliance for Nanotechnology in Cancer and the Center for Advancing Innovation have partnered to create a “first of a kind” Nanotechnology Startup Challenge in Cancer or NSC2.Continue reading
Making Life Better: Healing Through Guided Imagery
Arizona’s Bioindustry is committed to Making LIFE Better. The letter below is being shared with the permission of the author.Continue reading
Brain State Technologies Successfully Produces Wearable Devices for Sleep and Performance Enhancement Under Contract with US Army Research Office
Cooperation advances Alzheimer’s disease prevention research
Newly-published article describes founding, goals and initial successes of the Collaboration for Alzheimer’s Prevention
Theranos Named 2015 Arizona Bioscience Company of the Year
In recognition of its commitment to patients, innovation in diagnostics development and health care delivery, Theranos has been named the 2015 Arizona Bioscience Company of the Year by the Arizona Bioindustry Association (AZBio).Continue reading