ASU Biodesign Institute spinout, HealthTell, landed on San Francisco Business Times reporter Ron Leuty’s top five start-ups to potentially “win big” for 2015. Continue reading
Category Archives: AZBio News
Research study at Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center aims to fight pancreatic cancer
Study to test drug designed to help patient in late stages of diseaseContinue reading
AZBio Op Ed on Medical Innovation Published by ROLL CALL
Protecting Medical Innovation Strengthens Economy, Improves Lives | Commentary
It’s a new year, with a new Congress in session and new opportunities for our elected leaders to work together on these priorities. And, fortunately, there’s one critical issue that can address all three of these priorities at once: the repeal of the Medical Device Excise Tax.
Both the House and the Senate are on the right track with the introduction of “The Protect Medical Innovation Act” (HR 160) by Reps. Erik Paulsen, R-Minn., and Ron Kind, D-Wis., and of its companion bill in the Senate (S 149) by Finance Chairman Orrin G. Hatch, R-Utah. It’s not surprising that each is gaining support on both sides of the aisle.
Despite the bipartisan support, it is frustrating to see hurdles put in the path of something so clearly matching the priorities set by the electorate.
Instead of clearing those hurdles and making way for American businesses to do what they do best — innovate and create jobs — both sides of the issue are spending needless time attacking specific revenue projections and job-loss predictions.
That guessing game loses sight of a simple fact that every businessperson understands: When a significant portion of companies’ revenue is diverted — as it is with the Medical Device Excise Tax — it’s less money for jobs, investment and research and development. These are the very things we need to be doing now and at even greater levels in the future if we are going to achieve our goals of having more jobs, a stronger economy, a sustainable health care system and healthier people.
In Arizona, the medical technology industry accounts for more than 17,000 jobs and contributes more than $2.9 billion to the economy. Medical innovation resulting from the med-tech industry is the key to making a difference in the lives of our people and in reducing the cost to keep them healthy. Let’s look at just one example.
Diabetes is a group of diseases characterized by high blood-glucose, or blood sugar, caused when the body either does not produce enough insulin or is unable to use insulin in an effective way. When not controlled, the high level of glucose can lead to serious health complications, including death.
Importantly, medical technology has revolutionized the ways in which people are screened for and live with diabetes. These advanced diabetes technologies don’t just improve quality of life; they also help to cut overall health care costs. Many of the costly complications associated with diabetes — high blood pressure, kidney failure or dialysis, heart attacks and hospitalization requirements, to name a few — can be prevented or delayed with regular diagnostic testing and better management of glucose control.
New medical device innovations, such as a fully functioning artificial pancreas — a technology that links an insulin pump with a continuous glucose monitor to provide automatic, real-time monitoring of glucose levels and delivery of insulin — can make a huge impact. The potential savings to Medicare thanks to artificial pancreas technology is estimated at $1.9 billion over 25 years, according to a study carried out on behalf of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.
The journeys from discovery to development to delivery of life-changing innovations like this one are not for the faint of heart. Innovation is a high-risk endeavor. The companies that make up the medical-device industry take chances in their research and development, and these companies assume lots of risk for a tremendous upside — the next life-changing technology. Adding more hurdles to that, in the form of a Medical Device Excise Tax, hampers their ability to take these risks. As a result, it hurts our companies now, and hurts American patients in the long run.
Protecting medical innovation is a strategic imperative we can all embrace. Medical innovation improves the lives of patients while strengthening our economy through the creation of jobs and supporting our ability to continue to bend the health care cost curve. Now is not the time to put up more hurdles to industry and innovation: it’s the time for Congress work together on healthy priorities.
Joan Koerber-Walker is chairwoman of AdvaMed State Medical Technology Alliance and president and CEO of the Arizona Bioindustry Association.
Job Opportunity – Senior Project Manager Critical Path to TB Drug Regimens (CPTR)
The Critical Path to TB Drug Regimens (CPTR) is a large multi-disciplinary scientific consortium led by the Critical Path Institute (C-Path) focused on accelerating the development of new TB drug regimens and diagnostics. The CPTR Senior Project Manager works in close partnership with the CPTR Executive Director, as well as the CPTR core team, to provide operational and project management excellence for CPTR and affiliates’ virtual working groups to advance drug development tools and therapies to treat tuberculosis. Additionally, this Sr. Project Manager will be responsible for ensuring that the CPTR team meets the requirements of the grants, which fund this work.Continue reading
Job Opportunity – Data Manager at C-Path
The Data Manager position is responsible for contributing to the management of data used for C-Path research purposes and supporting the development of clinical/preclinical data standards. This position supports all C-Path consortia that utilize clinical and preclinical data in their projects. Position will utilize vendor and internally developed tools to identify and solve data process flow, data review and data quality problems, and to create data sub-sets required by research plans. Position will also assist with the design and implementation of logical and physical databases. Continue reading
Job Opportunity – Critical Path to TB Drug Regimens Bioinformatician
The Critical Path Institute, a non-profit organization headquartered in Tucson, Arizona, invites applications from Master’s level (PhD preferred) scientists with expertise in genetic data analysis and processing to work collaboratively as a guest researcher with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Tuberculosis (TB) Elimination, Laboratory Branch in Atlanta.Continue reading
Job Opportunity – Assistant/Associate Director at C-Path
The Assistant/Associate Director is responsible for assisting the Executive Director in the overall management of the PRO Consortium to include advancing and documenting the science of clinical outcome assessment (COA) endpoint development and testing for use in clinical trials designed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of new medical products. In addition, the Assistant/Associate Director is responsible for directing the scientific and operational activities of the Electronic Patient-Reported Outcome (ePRO) Consortium. Continue reading
Job Opportunity – Senior Project Mantager at C-Path
Critical Path Institute is a large multi-disciplinary scientific non-profit organization focused on accelerating the development of new therapies. CAMD is dedicated to Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. The Senior Project Manager works in close partnership with the CAMD Executive Director to provide operational and project management excellence for C-Path and affiliates’ virtual working groups to advance drug development tools and therapies to treat brain diseases. Additionally, the Sr. Project Manager will be responsible for ensuring that the Parkinson’s team meets the requirements of the grants which fund this work.Continue reading
Insys Therapeutics Receives FDA Orphan Drug Designation for Its Liposomal Encapsulated Paclitaxel for the Treatment of Ovarian Cancer
Insys Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ: INSY), a specialty pharmaceutical company that is developing and commercializing innovative drugs and novel drug delivery systems, today announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted orphan drug designation (ODD) to its Liposomal Encapsulated Paclitaxel (LEP) candidate for the treatment of ovarian cancer.Continue reading
Building On Success For A Better Arizona: HB 2033, SB 1067
If we want to be globally competitive, we need to commit to the resources it takes to compete. As Arizonans, now is our opportunity to let our elected leaders know how important we believe this is for our state today and tomorrow.Continue reading