White Hat Life Science Investor Conference Connects Innovators and Investors

The White Hat Life Science Investor Conference, a biotech and healthcare investor conference, will showcase exciting biotech and medtech companies from across the Rocky Mountain & Southwest Region September 28-29, 2022 during Arizona Bioscience Week.

Investors will have the opportunity to connect with a new generation of biotech and healthcare pioneers in person and to schedule meetings via the Arizona Bioscience Week app.Continue reading

Stanton, Maricopa Community Colleges Announce $1 Million in Federal Funds for Bioscience Workforce Development

Rep. Greg Stanton announced today that a $1 million federal investment that he secured for Maricopa Community Colleges to support the development of its bioscience program has been included in an appropriations bill the House will soon consider.

The funds will help Maricopa Community Colleges develop and expand its STEM curriculum, create additional seats to prepare students for good-paying careers as lab technicians, bioscience quality systems managers, and bioscience process managers. The program will build the pipeline for STEM-focused jobs, where job growth continues to outpace the number of qualified individuals available to fill those jobs.Continue reading

Industry Leaders Weigh In on the Inflation Reduction Act

On Sunday, August 7, 2022, the United States Senate passed the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 in a party line vote with Vice President Kamala Harris casting the tie breaking vote.  The legislation now moves back to the House of Representatives.  Speaker Pelosi stated, “The House will return and move swiftly to send this bill to the President’s desk ….”

The 755 page legislation will continue to garner significant public debate and analysis in the coming days.

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Price controls proposed in the Build Back Better Act – and the recent Reconciliation package – will strike a huge blow to patient access.

New analysis shows that under such policies only 6 of 110 currently approved therapies would have made it to the market because companies would no longer have the necessary funds to invest in research and development and innovative partnerships with small biotech.

Further, the proposed legislation will also likely lead to the loss of over 590,000 US biopharma jobs.Continue reading