Fruit Flies and Cellular Demise – Zeroing in on the Causes of ALS

New UArizona research has identified a previously unknown pattern of protein creation in the motor neurons, which are the cells that malfunction in patients with ALS. By restoring the missing proteins at one end of the cell, movement returns. Next, the team hopes to determine if the surprising over-production at the other end of the cell also has consequences.

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Arizona’s bioscience community reports on ‘a robust industry cluster’

The Flinn Foundation hosted its annual bioscience event April 14 to share the impressive progress of Arizona’s growing sector nearly two decades since the launch of Arizona’s Bioscience Roadmap. 

The virtual event featured a keynote address by Tom Osha of Wexford Science and Technology and a mix of live presentations and videos showcasing the innovative and growing bioscience ecosystem throughout Arizona, including Flagstaff, metro Phoenix, and the Tucson and Yuma regions. Continue reading

TGen identifies gene that could help prevent or delay onset of Alzheimer’s disease

Boosting ABCC1 could lessen the production of plaque linked to Alzheimer’s development

PHOENIX, Ariz. — April 13, 2021 — Findings of a study by the Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen), an affiliate of City of Hope, suggest that increasing expression of a gene known as ABCC1 could not only reduce the deposition of a hard plaque in the brain that leads to Alzheimer’s disease, but might also prevent or delay this memory-robbing disease from developing.

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Vaccine Navigators Available to Assist Medicaid Members with Appointment and Transportation Scheduling 

The Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS), in partnership with Crisis Response Network, announces a new COVID-19 appointment and transportation navigation program for Medicaid members. Now, Medicaid members who need assistance scheduling a COVID-19 vaccine appointment, as well as transportation to and from that appointment, can call 1-844-542-8201, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., seven days a week.Continue reading

OncoMyx Presents at AACR First Data Showing Multi-Armed Myxoma Virotherapy Can Modulate Anti-Tumor Immune Response

OncoMyx’s multi-armed myxoma virotherapy upregulates genes associated with immune response and shows modulation of the immune response to favor anti-tumor immunity
vMYX-hIL-12/Dec produces functional protein (hIL-12) from transgenes in vivo and in a dose and time responsive in vitro and has demonstrated anti-tumor efficacy in a xenograft human lung cancer model

Quantitative systems pharmacology modeling suggests IV administration of multi-armed myxoma virotherapy to fall within known safety margins at the planned doses of oncolytic immunotherapiesContinue reading