Ceremony Dedicates Arizona Center for Innovation
The Arizona Center for Innovation was dedicated on Jan. 18 in a ceremony at the UA Tech Park.Continue reading
Ceremony Dedicates Arizona Center for Innovation
The Arizona Center for Innovation was dedicated on Jan. 18 in a ceremony at the UA Tech Park.Continue reading
Where Does Your Future Lie? Perhaps In Your Own Backyard!
Find Out through ARIZONA’s SCITECH Festival – January 25–March 14, 2012Continue reading
The Arizona Commerce Authority (ACA) is pleased to announce its second $1.5 million Arizona Innovation Challenge, the country’s largest monetary award for a technology commercialization challenge.Continue reading
The Food and Drug Administration unveiled draft guidance Wednesday on how it reviews applications for low-risk medical devices under the 510(k) program and is requesting industry comment.
Click here to Register
Technology Commercialization Assistance now available from the Arizona Commerce Authority
Download the application as a PDF Document
It’s the season for giving, and some of the greatest gifts we can give are our time and talents. Recently AZBio connected with Engineering World Health and learned about an opportunity where bioscience professionals and healthcare engineers can make a difference by sharing time and talent healthcare organizations in developing countries. EWH has shared a special guest post that we are sharing with you. It just might be your opportunity to make a difference for communities around the world. Continue reading
Peter M. Pellerito of BIO to share a National Perspective on Best Practices That Support Bioscience Industry Growth at AZBio Trailblazer Awards Luncheon December 1, 2011.
The Arizona BioIndustry Association (AZBio) today announced that Peter M. Pellerito of the Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) will present a keynote on best practices for state bioscience industry growth at the AZBio Trailblazer Awards on December 1, 2011 as the community gathers to honor state leaders.Continue reading
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Programs has announced the FY2012 SBIR Phase II Bridge Award, designed to support the next stage of development for previously funded NIH-wide SBIR Phase II projects in the areas of cancer therapeutics, imaging technologies, interventional devices, diagnostics and prognostics. The NCI intends to commit up to $10 million in fiscal year 2012 to fund up to ten new awards.Continue reading
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