CBR’s President and CEO Named as Founding Member of New Cord Blood Banking Association

Cord Blood Registry® (CBR®) announced today that Geoffrey Crouse, the company’s president and chief executive officer, is one of the 13 members of the founding board of The Cord Blood Association (CBA), a new trade and professional association organized for cord blood banking.

cbr 2012

The CBR Team Celebrates Being Honored as the Arizona Bioscience Company of the Year in 2012

The Cord Blood Association will be an international nonprofit organization that promotes the banking and use of umbilical cord blood and related tissues for disease treatment and regenerative therapies. Cord blood is a rich source of stem cells that can be used for restoring health in a variety of chronic diseases.

“CBA brings together experts from public banks, as well as private banks like CBR, to represent the industry both nationally and internationally in matters of policy, legislation, and regulation and to promote the use of newborn stem cells in clinical research for regenerative medicine,” said Crouse. “I’m excited and honored to sit on the board of directors with such a distinguished group of cord blood industry thought leaders.”

The association’s members represent public and private banks as well as individuals within the cord blood community. Four seats are for representatives of public banks, four for private or family banks, and five from the banking community at large. The at-­large directors will include a wider set of participants, including research investigators, transplant clinicians, patients, obstetricians, pediatricians, nurses, midwives, vendors, health policy experts and/or regulatory officials.

The founding directors were nominated and invited to serve by an organizing committee that worked throughout the summer on a plan for the new association. The committee based the plan on the consensus of attendees at an open hearing at the International Cord Blood Symposium last June in San Francisco.  Polling of the approximately 150 people at the hearing showed a substantial majority (78 percent) favored the creation of an industry-­‐wide association. The rest said that they were undecided (18 percent) or opposed (4 percent). The plan for the association was published online in mid-­‐August and extensively publicized, along with a request for comments and recommendations from those in and served by the cord blood community.

The plan identifies five initial priorities for the new association:

  1. Quality products and services – through promotion of standards and accreditation
  2. Advocacy – by representing the industry nationally and internationally in matters of health care policy, legislation, regulation and public and private healthcare programs
  3. Market expansion – with readily available consumer access to banking services and cellular therapies
  4. Research and development – through advancement and rapid adoption of novel technologies and therapies
  5. Education – with aware, informed and empowered parents, healthcare providers and general public

In their first meeting, at a date and location yet to be determined, the founding directors will elect officers, fix term lengths and begin work on the myriad decisions about the new association’s function, programs and activities, including member benefits and recruitment.

The members of the founding board include:

  • Sue Armitage, BS, Assistant Director, MD Anderson Cord Blood Bank, Houston, TX
  • David Blackett, Vice President of Marketing and Strategy, PerkinElmer ViaCord, Waltham, MA
  • Haywood Brown, MD, Chair, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, NC
  • Geoffrey Crouse, MBA, MPH,  President & CEO, Cord Blood Registry, San Francisco, CA
  • Colleen Delaney, MD, MSc, Director, Program in Cord Blood Research and Transplantation, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA
  • Arthur Flatau, PhD, Patient Advocate, Bone Marrow Transplant Survivor, Austin, TX
  • Kenneth Giacin, MS, MBA, Vice Chairman and Director, StemCyte International, Covina, CA
  • Prof. Gesine Koegler, PhD, Director, Jose Carreras Cord Blood Bank and GMP Facility, University of Duesseldorf Medical Center,Duesseldorf, DEU
  • Joanne Kurtzberg, MD, Director, Carolinas Cord Blood Bank, Durham, NC
  • Richard L. Lockie, MBA, President & CEO, Insception Biosciences Inc., Toronto, CAD
  • Aby J. Mathew, PhD, Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, BioLife Solutions, Inc., Bothell, WA
  • Beth H. Shaz, MD, Chief Medical Officer & Senior Vice President, New York Blood Center, New York, NY
  • Mahendra Rao, MBBS, PhD, Vice President for Regenerative Medicine, New York Stem Cell Foundation, New York, NY

The tenure for the founding directors will be determined by lottery so that a rotation of board terms can begin. Future directors will be elected to four-­‐year terms. Officers for the new association will be chosen from among the board members and announced immediately after their election by the board.

About Cord Blood Registry

Cord Blood Registry® (CBR®) is the world’s largest newborn stem cell company. Founded in 1992, CBR is entrusted by parents with storing more than 500,000 cord blood and cord tissue units. CBR is dedicated to advancing the clinical application of newborn stem cells by partnering with leading research institutions to establish FDA-regulated clinical trials, for conditions that have no cure today. For more information, visit cordblood.com.

SOURCE Cord Blood Registry (CBR)


Posted in AZBio News.