Tune in to watch
Celebrating Life & Science
for inspiring stories of Arizonans working together and using science to make life better for all of us.
How to Watch

Beginning October 3, 2021
at 4 PM MST
Broadcast Premiere
October 3, 2021
at 4 PM MST
Encore Presentation
October 3, 2021
at 9:00 PM MST
Encore Presentation
October 8, 2021
at 12:07 AM MST

Dr. Gholam Peyman
Arizona Vision Pioneer

Dr. Mark Slater
Arizona Bioscience Leader of the Year

Dr. Janko Nikolich-Žugich
Arizona Bioscience Researcher of the Year

Joan Koerber-Walker, President & CEO
Arizona Bioindustry Association

Kate Brophy McGee
AZBio Public Service Award

Thomas Schumann
Arizona Bioscience Educator of the Year

Phoenix Mayor
Kate Gallego

Russ Yelton

Sandra Watson
Arizona Commerce Authority

Celebrate 20 Years at BIO5

Arizona Bioscience Company of the Year

Discover Why Phoenix Is BIO
Innovation in the Fast Lane