Date(s) - 4 Apr 2019 until 5 Apr 2019
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Phoenix Convention Center
Arizona Science And Engineering Fair (AzSEF)
April 4–5, 2019
Phoenix Convention Center, Lower Level, Halls 1 & 2
Registration closes on March 20, 2019 at midnight.
The Arizona Science and Engineering Fair (AzSEF) is the state science fair for Arizona. Managed by Arizona Science Center, AzSEF brings together first-place winners from school, homeschool, district, county and regional science fairs across Arizona to compete for thousands of dollars in prizes and scholarships. The Grand Award winners in the Senior Division from the state-level fair will be selected to compete at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF).
AzSEF 2019 Judges & Volunteers Needed
BECOME A JUDGE: Judging will take place Thursday, April 4–5 at the Phoenix Convention Center for Elementary, Junior, and Senior Divisions. Breakfast, lunch, and training are provided. We do ask that judges have a minimum of 2 years of college or a degree in any field. There is a high need for judges with advanced degrees and experience to judge in the Senior Division.
SERVE AS A GENERAL VOLUNTEER: Volunteer April 3–5 in a variety of roles. Adults are especially needed on April 5 to assist with the Awards Ceremony setup.
For more details, click here.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Arizona Science and Engineering Fair (AzSEF) is to support and provide guidance to students and teachers throughout Arizona to ensure the continued availability and vitality of this statewide celebration of scientific inquiry for the citizens of Arizona.