Date(s) - 23 Jul 2020
8:00 AM - 9:15 AM
Business Preparedness in Times of Pandemic
July 23, 2020
17:00-18:15 CEST | 11:00-12:30 EDT | 08:00-09:30 PDT/AZ
Programme Overview
Founders of startups may face many new challenges in the evolving startup environment due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While founders need to focus on fund raising, science and building team, they cannot ignore the legal functions that can help protect their business during uncertain times. In this seminar, lawyers from Allen & Overy and O’Melveny will give hands-on advice on what founders can do during the COVID-19 pandemic. They will focus on:
- Funding during these turbulent times
- How to protect your business (i.e. collaboration agreements in turbulent times)
- Specific pharma regulatory points of attention
- Relevant employment practices
This webinar will provide takeaways for both the European as well as North American markets.
This program is part of the Johnson & Johnson Innovation – JLABS Legal Webinar Series for life science entrepreneurs, together with Allen & Overy and O’Melveny.
- Introduction by Elena Fernandez-Kleinlein, Head of JLABS EMEA
- Joint presentation from Allen & Overy and O’Melveny
- Q&A
- Close