Innovating in the midst of a pandemic: Time for a spit take

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Date(s) - 2 Feb 2021
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM



Innovating in the midst of a pandemic: Time for a spit take


Joshua LaBaer, MD, PhD, Executive Director, Biodesign Institute at Arizona State University

Tuesday, Feb. 2, 6-7 p.m. (Online Event)

Biodesign Executive Director Joshua LaBaer 

CoV-2 reaches its victims by surfing on invisible saliva droplets that spray from our mouths when we talk, cough, laugh or sing. Face masks block thousands of infectious airborne droplets that are otherwise released into the air. Saliva is the place to find the lurking virus. Nationwide, COVID-19 saliva tests — preferred by many over the uncomfortable nasopharyngeal swab — were publicly offered first in Arizona. How was Biodesign uniquely positioned to develop and deploy technology to detect the virus? Learn more about homegrown, innovative actions that boosted Arizona’s fight against the pandemic.
