Date(s) - 16 Oct 2018
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Roy P. Drachman Hall, UA Tucson
Innovations and Inventions Research Fair

Medical researchers from the University Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson will gather together for the Innovations and Inventions research fair. The second annual event will spotlight up-and-coming basic scientists and clinicians and their research endeavors and success stories.
During the event, about a dozen presenters will give brief, 2-minute snapshots of the research projects they lead at the College of Medicine – Tucson. Presentations will be followed by a networking session for attendees to mix and mingle with fellow researchers and learn more about the projects.
This storytelling event will be part cocktail hour, part presentations, and part poster networking. RSVP to reserve your space at the link below.
Tucson, AZ