Date(s) - 11 Oct 2019 until 20 Oct 2019
12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
Tucson Convention Center
TENWEST Impact Festival helps the curious and the impassioned solve the great economic, social, cultural and environmental challenges facing our communities. Through ten days of exhibitions, talks, and interactive experiences, national experts and local heroes will inspire the ideas and facilitate the connections that will empower us to act.
Tucson, Arizona
OCTOBER 11-20, 2019
TENWEST Impact Festival helps the curious and the impassioned solve the great challenges facing our community by inspiring ideas and facilitating connections that empower them to act.
Discover Tenwest
TENWEST began in 2015 as Tucson’s answer to South By Southwest, but has since developed into something much more uniquely Tucson. This October 15,000 local, regional, and national attendees are expected.
TENWEST Impact Festival helps the curious and the impassioned solve the great economic, social, cultural and environmental challenges facing our communities. Through ten days of exhibitions, talks, and interactive experiences, national experts and local heroes will inspire the ideas and facilitate the connections that will empower us to act.