Leaders Join the PBC Team to Lead New Initiatives

The Phoenix Bioscience Core (PBC) Team is expanding! With the invaluable support of key stakeholders, we are launching two new initiatives: An Accelerator Program and Workforce Development initiative. Increasing our healthcare workforce and catering to life science startups and Venture Capital are fundamental economic development tools that enhance Arizona’s economy. These initiatives mark a significant step forward in our commitment to fostering growth and innovation within our community.

  PBC Accelerator Program

The growth of the entrepreneurial ecosystem on the PBC is exciting to witness, however, the challenge lies in how to keep these companies in Arizona. After consulting with our community, we understand that we need to focus on how to identify funding and create incentives for companies to grow and prosper here. The foundation has been set by several stakeholders. As an example, Wexford’s ConnectLabs is home to 16 early-to-mid-stage companies, and most have expanded their footprint over the past 12-15 months. The next phase of support is needed now; with that in mind, the PBC plans to launch an Accelerator Program in fiscal year 2025.


We’re excited to welcome Brian to the PBC team. With entrepreneurial expertise and early-company formation experience, Brian will expand the PBC’s reach, initiatives, and foster community partnerships to assist Arizona in becoming one of the nation’s best for translating lab to market, and scaling bio/life science companies.

Brian Ellerman
Executive Director, PBC Accelerators


The Phoenix Bioscience Core (PBC) is excited to announce the addition of Brian Ellerman as the Executive Director for the PBC Accelerators Program planned for fiscal year 2025. Brian has a BS in medical technology, MS in MIS, MLS with focus on IP law, Graduate Health Law certificate, ongoing EdD in Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Brian also brings over twenty-five years of medical and health technology experience to his role as well as being heavily involved in Southern Arizona’s startup community.


As a startup advocate Brian understands how important it is to stay connected to venture capital. Currently. Brian leads investor education and is involved with regional and national angel groups. Brian currently holds the vice chair/chair-elect seat on the board of directors for the Desert Angels who rank #1 in the Southwest and #5 across the US.


Most recently, Brian served as the founding executive director of Arizona FORGE at the University of Arizona. FORGE was designed to create an entrepreneurial mindset in students, founders, and community members. While Brian held this role FORGE engaged with over 10,000 students, 500 community entrepreneurs and 200 startup founders.


PBC Workforce Development Initiative

In response to the critical and growing need for skilled healthcare professionals, the PBC is excited to announce a transformative Workforce Development Initiative funded by Mercy C.A.R.E.S. This initiative is designed to cultivate a new generation of healthcare workers equipped to meet our community’s evolving needs. More to come on this amazing partnership later. To get it off the ground, we are excited to welcome Jocelyn Romero to as our Workforce Development Coordinator.


Jocelyn’s focus will be working alongside the three state universities (Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University, and The University of Arizona) to create pathway programs for internships, preceptorships, rotations, and pipeline career opportunities within nursing, behavioral health, occupational therapy, and other healthcare programs at PBC.

Jocelyn Romero
Workforce Development Coordinator

PBC is excited to welcome Jocelyn Romero, as the PBC’s Workforce Development Coordinator. Jocelyn brings relevant experience from her time at Chicanos Por La Causa, a not-for-profit organization that works at providing services to vulnerable and underserved populations. During her tenure, Jocelyn gained extensive experience working alongside AHCCCS, Mercy Care, and medical providers. She witnessed firsthand the impact of social determinants of health on clients’ ability to access essential medical services and the importance of ensuring access to healthcare. Jocelyn’s bachelor’s degree in social work aided her work in advocating for clients and the needs of the community. PBC and grant funder Mercy Care believe that supporting Arizona’s healthcare workforce is crucial to ensuring quality medical services for all.


Posted in AZBio News.