CHANDLER, Ariz -- (BUSINESS WIRE) -- The Arizona Bioindustry Association (AZBio) today announced an exciting lineup of opportunities for family offices, sovereign wealth funds, accredited investors (angel investors), venture capitalists, and community leaders to connect and engage with life science innovators during the week of October 1, 2018.
A key component of Arizona Bioscience Week, the White Hat Life Science Life Science Investor Conference (White Hat 2018) includes opportunities for family offices, angel investors, venture capitalists, and community leaders to connect and engage with life science innovators from across the Rocky Mountain Southwest Region on October 3-4, 2018. White Hat activities commence at 3 PM on October 3rd and continue on October 4th.
The AZBio Awards & Life Science Fiesta – Arizona’s life science and leadership community will come together with visitors from around the country to celebrate life-science innovation and innovators at the AZBio Awards on the evening of October 3, 2018 at the Phoenix Convention Center. Highlights of the evening will include honoring Dr. Daniel D. Von Hoff with the AZBio Pioneer Award for Lifetime Achievement and a celebration of the achievements of leading researchers, educators, and innovator companies. The Life Science Fiesta following the award ceremony features a Student Discovery Zone that showcases the work of fifty students from Arizona high schools, community colleges, and universities along with exhibits featuring Arizona companies and patient advocacy organizations. The AZBio Awards & Life Science Fiesta are presented by AZBio and the Arizona Commerce Authority.
The White Hat Life Science Investor Conference (White Hat 2018) brings together the next generation of biotech and healthcare pioneers from across the Rocky Mountain & Southwest Region with investors locally, nationally, and internationally. Held at the Phoenix Convention Center on October 4, 2018, White Hat 2018 is a collaboration between the bioscience industry associations across the region. The conference showcases investment opportunities for investment into privately-held companies in the areas of diagnostics, therapeutics, medical devices, and health information technology. Thirty-two companies have been competitively selected by a committee of experienced life science investors to present at White Hat 2018.
The White Hat 2018 Presenting Companies are:
To help investors and companies make connections, the AZBW Partnering System, powered by Jujama, will provide registered attendees the ability to connect and schedule meetings throughout the week.
“Companies that presented at White Hat in 2014 and 2016 have gone on to receive almost $200 million in investment from private investors and corporate investors,” stated Joan Koerber-Walker, President & CEO of AZBio. “Investing in the life sciences is a growing trend for investors who have previously focused on real-estate, energy, and other tech sectors. It provides them with a way to balance their portfolios and make a lasting social impact at the same time. This double-bottom line approach to investing is both rewarding and challenging. It relies on the investor’s ability to access high quality deal flow and information. That is what White Hat 2018 can provide.”
According to Silicon Valley Bank’s mid-year Healthcare Investments and Exits report, U.S. healthcare venture fundraising reached $4.5 billion in the first half of 2018 and is expected to closely match the last year’s record of $9.1 billion. Investments in venture-backed companies are also on pace to surpass last year.
“Innovations in the life sciences and in healthcare delivery are truly making life better. White Hat 2018 and all of the Arizona Bioscience Week events are excellent opportunities for investors to connect and engage with life science innovators and to explore investments in companies that are working to extend life and improve the quality of life today and for generations to come” stated Dirk Karsten Beth, Managing Director at arivis AG ; founder and Managing Director of Hyalescent Ventures; and White Hat 2018 conference chair. “In addition, White Hat 2018 will feature panels of experienced life science investors, representatives of family office and angel investor who will share their insights on how to be successful as a life science investor.”
“Arizona’s researchers, life science innovator companies, and leading healthcare systems are working together with a single focused goal of improving the quality of life for people here in Arizona and around the world,” shared Kristen Swingle, Vice President, Stem Cell Operations and Tucson Facility at CBR, a California Cryobank Company, and Chairwoman of the AZBio Board of Directors. “Today, Arizona’s bioscience industry is gaining national and international recognition for the work being done to make life better for people living with cancer, metabolic diseases, heart disease, neurodegenerative diseases, and more.”
For more information on Arizona Bioscience Week, go to www.AZBio.org/AZBW2018.
For more information about White Hat 2018, visit www.WhiteHatInvestors.com.
About AZBio
For 15 years, the Arizona Bioindustry Association (AZBio) has supported life science innovation and life science innovators in Arizona. A key component in Arizona’s life science ecosystem, AZBio is the only statewide organization exclusively focused on Arizona’s bioscience industry. AZBio membership includes patient advocacy organizations, life science innovators, educators, healthcare partners and leading business organizations. AZBio is the statewide affiliate of the Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO) and works in partnership with AdvaMed, MDMA, and PhRMA to advance innovation and to ensure that the value delivered from life-changing and life-saving innovation benefits people in Arizona and around the world.
For more information visit www.AZBio.org and www.AZBio.TV
AZBio Media Contact:
Joan Koerber-Walker, Arizona Bioindustry Association
jkw@azbio.org 480-332-9636
Images available upon request.