It’s not every day that you get the chance to sit down face-to-face with a Nobel Laureate. But that’s exactly what happened on Tuesday, April 22, 2014, when about 150 Arizona biotechnology movers and shakers shook it up with Leland “Lee” Hartwell, PhD, at the AZBio Leadership Conversation luncheon at the Phoenix Country Club.Continue reading
Tag Archives: Biodesign Institute
Biodesign Team using tobacco to thwart West Nile virus
An international research group, led by Arizona State University professor Qiang “Shawn” Chen, has developed a new generation of potentially safer and more cost-effective therapeutics against West Nile virus and other pathogens.Continue reading
Opportunity Alert: Plasmid Repository Services available at ASU Biodesign
DNASU distributes plasmids to researchers worldwideContinue reading
First Ever International School of Biomedical Diagnostics Launched
Arizona State University and Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland are joining forces to create the new International School of Biomedical Diagnostics, which will offer the first degree program of its kind.Continue reading
DuBois elected to the Arizona Bioindustry Association Board
The Arizona Bioindustry Association (AZBio) Board of Directors unanimously elected internationally renowned physician-scientist Raymond N. DuBois to its ranks.Continue reading
Scottsdale diagnostics company licenses biomarker technologies developed at ASU Biodesign with support from AzTE
SCOTTSDALE, Arizona, October 25, 2013 – Provista Diagnostics, Inc., a leading molecular diagnostics company focused on developing and commercializing proprietary diagnostic, prognostic and predictive tests for cancers affecting women, has licensed a series of biomarker technologies developed by researchers at the Biodesign Institute of Arizona State University. Provista will evaluate the technologies for use in the early detection of breast cancer, ovarian cancer and HPV.
New DNA vaccine technology poised to deliver ultra-rapid, safe and cost-effective disease protection
Professor Roy Curtiss directs the Biodesign Institute’s Center for Infectious Diseases and VaccinologyContinue reading
Halting tuberculosis’ stubborn ascent
Josephine Clark-Curtiss, a researcher at Arizona State University’s Biodesign Institute has been exploring new lines of attack againstMycobacterium tuberculosis, causative agent of tuberculosis.Continue reading
ASU researcher selected for ‘Forty Under 40’ honors
The Phoenix Business Journal has named ASU’s Rosa Krajmalnik-Brown to its 2012 “Forty Under 40” list that honors young leaders in the metropolitan area. Krajmalnik-Brown is a scientist who uses new genomic-based tools to uncover the roles of microscopic organisms to clean water, produce energy and positively impact human health.Continue reading
Biodesign Institute receives Gates Grand Challenges Explorations grant
The Biodesign Institute at Arizona State University has announced that it is a Grand Challenges Explorations winner, an initiative funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. ASU assistant professor Shengxi Chen will pursue an innovative global health and development research project, titled “Fluorescent Protein Sensor to Diagnose HIV at Low Cost.”Continue reading