Research Marketplace: New User-Friendly UA Health Sciences Website Links Outside Collaborators with UA Researchers, Services
The University of Arizona Health Sciences has developed a “Research Marketplace” website that allows potential collaborators, faculty, students and others to identify campus expertise for research, projects, consulting and a variety of other services.
The University of Arizona Health Sciences is the statewide leader in biomedical research and health professions training. The UA Health Sciences includes the UA Colleges of Medicine (Phoenix and Tucson), Nursing, Pharmacy and Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, with main campus locations in Tucson and the growing Phoenix Biomedical Campus in downtown Phoenix. From these vantage points, the UA Health Sciences reaches across the state of Arizona and the greater Southwest to provide cutting-edge health education, research, patient care and community outreach services. A major economic engine, the UA Health Sciences employs almost 5,000 people, has nearly 1,000 faculty members and garners more than $126 million in research grants and contracts annually.

Rick Silva, PhD, executive director, UAHS Biomedical Corporate Alliances
UAHS partnered with Covalent Data and leveraged its existing relationship with SciVal to provide a searchable menu of content. Rick Silva, PhD, executive director, UAHS Biomedical Corporate Alliances, said the Research Marketplace was developed to make it easier to “do business with the University of Arizona” and to help streamline most engagement processes for industry partnerships in the biomedical sciences through one web portal.
“Not all opportunities fit the mold of academic research programs, but we can help identify veins of common interest…” said Dr. Silva, whose areas of expertise include biomedical projects, digital health projects, clinical trials, UAHS faculty engagements, alliances, business development, industry engagement and open innovation.
The site features such links as:
- Doing Business with the University of Arizona – Useful information and contact information for procurement matters, collaborations, sponsorships and using UA trademarks and logos.
- Research Cohort Discovery – Link to people and online resources at the UA that can help quantify clinical trial subjects, specimens and other resources necessary for considering UA as a clinical trial site or clinical research collaborator.
- Sponsoring Research at the UA – Everything you need to know about sponsoring research projects and collaborating with the UA.
- Arizona Choice Sponsored Research IP Terms – UA has created a menu for research sponsors to capture intellectual property, enabling them to determine IP costs prior to entering a contract.
- Find Domain Experts – The UA’s research catalog is powered by Elsevier’s SciVal experts, allowing users to search for experts by concept or last name, or use Covalent Data for a free limited search of the publication, grant, patent, and clinical trial portfolios of UA’s faculty.
Dr. Silva works closely with Tech Launch Arizona, the UA unit dedicated to commercializing the inventions emanating from university research, as well as with the UA’s Office of Strategic Initiatives, public and private entities and other stakeholders, to develop UAHS industry-sponsored clinical trials and expand shared research facilities and services, including biospecimen repositories, clinical data and biomaterials.
PLEASE NOTE: To access the new website, please go to: Collaborations, Alliances and Business Development Support
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