The 2016 AZBio Awards brought together over 500 leaders from across the state of Arizona and around the country. The Honorable Douglas A. Ducey, Governor of the State of Arizona, opened the program followed by a keynote by Arizona Bioscience Pioneer Award Honoree Dr. George Poste. Later in the evening, our AZBio Baby danced, a world renowned cellist performed, Joan had a few things to say, and the audience celebrated with our 2016 AZBio Award honorees. (Click here to see the videos on our 2016 AZBio Awards Winners.)

Governor Doug Ducey is the 23rd governor of the state of Arizona. He was elected on November 4, 2014 and sworn into office on January 5, 2015 – inheriting a $1 billion budget deficit. With a mission to make Arizona the best state in the country to live, work, do business and get an education, Governor Ducey and state leaders got to work. Today, Arizona’s budget is balanced. Business is thriving. And public schools continue to improve.
The governor remains committed to what he has identified as his top priorities: growing the economy, creating and supporting 21st-century jobs, promoting educational excellence, protecting our communities and restoring fiscal responsibility – all without raising taxes on hardworking Arizonans.
A strong Arizona is an Arizona that ensures “Opportunity For All.” Governor Ducey has pledged to work every day to make that vision a reality.
Dr. George Poste of Arizona State University was honored with the AZBio Pioneer Award for Lifetime Achievement at the 2016 AZBio Awards. Governor Doug Ducey and hundreds of Arizona life science and business leaders as well as guests from across the country will be on hand to applaud Dr. Poste for a body of work that has made life better for people at home and around the world.
Dr. Poste leverages his experience developed over a lifetime of exploration and discovery to connect and engage experts from across the university and around the world in research on synthetic biology, ubiquitous sensing and health care informatics for personalized medicine.
Our Arizona Bioscience Industry is growing up and so is our AZBio Baby. The Second Act for our industry is full of promise and the Second Act of the 2016 AZBio Awards celebrated that promise with a very special dance performance, a musical invocation by world renowned cellist, Michael Fitzpatrick, and a celebration of our AZBio Award Winners.